After several years having spent in electromechanical engineering, I switched to the control of these machines. In the beginning it mainly involved the PLC controls, but, as a result of my multi-disciplinary knowledge, further grown in the combined applications, For example ‘production test stations’ where PC software (NI / CVI, VB, C),PLC (OMRON)software as electrical cabinet construction were used. These projects include sales, development, installation, maintenance. As a project engineer brought into lead major projects involving the various disciplines were contained. This experience resulted in both, working independently or heaving leadership. In all these projects, the software was done by myself, this sometimes for the whole project or a member of a team. The last assignments were especially towards prototyping (R & D). Because of my technical knowledge of the various disciplines (mechanical, electrical and software), I was perfectly placed to operate and carry out the technical options for a particular prototype. An important part of these missions was the communication between different systems. These current techniques were used mainly as there are Labview, Siemens SAPRO, ASP, .NET, C # .NET, VB.NET, VBScript, JavaScript, actionscript (flash) and / or the various protocols Modbus, M-Bus, Enocean, OpenTherm, ...